Sunday, June 26, 2011


WOAH today was the first day that the sun decided to shine upon this region I am resigning in. But just as fast as i got annoyed with the cold, Im annoyed with the heat. Now i wish it would just "GO AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK!!"-smeagle from lord of the rings. Well Im about to go to celebrate Muki's birthday by going to the movies. Be back soon-Gohan

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Hi.... my name is Gohan. I come from a distant galaxy called "Dragons Lair" and I am currently residing in the galaxy of "Milk in the Way". While in this galaxy, I found a liking to three active games. They are Rugby, Basketball and swimming. I am on Varsity for Basketball and Rugby but I am not on a swimming team, I just swim for fun. I'm getting kind of tired so you'll hear from me tomorrow- Thank You Based God